The Top 7 Sewer Maintenance Tips for Homeowners

If you’re a homeowner or tenant in Cincinnati, OH, you know firsthand how important it is to keep up with sewer maintenance. With the city’s aging infrastructure and heavy rainfall, it’s no wonder many sewer lines in the area experience clogs and backups. But don’t worry; we’re here to help. In this blog post, we’ll share our top seven sewer maintenance tips you can implement today to keep your sewer line running smoothly. And, of course, as the professionals here at Garrett Excavating, we always recommend a yearly checkup to keep your system running smoothly. 

Tip 1. Watch What Goes Down the Pipes

Maintaining the sewer main comes down to one crucial rule: prevention. Avoiding clogs requires being mindful of what goes down the drain. 

Here are some practical guidelines to prevent sewer main backups:

  • Dispose of food scraps, cooking grease, dental floss, and feminine hygiene products in trash cans or compost pails instead of the drain.
  • Don’t be fooled by “flushable” personal wipes; they wreak havoc on city sewer systems. Dispose of them in the trash can.
  • Invest in a drain screen to capture hair strands in the shower. Simply toss away the clump instead of letting it slip down the drain.

Remember, a little prevention goes a long way in keeping your sewer main in optimal condition!

Tip 2. Pay Attention to Drainage

If you’re dealing with a slow-draining sink, it could be a sign that you need a sewer main line cleaning. Acting promptly is crucial when faced with these issues because the clog won’t fix itself. 

Look out for these warning signs indicating a sewer main clog:

  • Multiple plumbing fixtures (toilet, sink, or shower drains) are all clogged.
  • Water shows up in unexpected places, like the shower after flushing the toilet.
  • A foul smell resembling rotten eggs (sulfur).
  • Bubbling or gurgling noises coming from the drain.
  • Changes in your yard, such as unusual indentations or mysteriously soggy grass.

Don’t ignore these signals. Taking action now can help you avoid further complications in the future. Call a professional and get on top of it. 

Tip 3. Run the Water

Maintaining a smooth-flowing sewer line is as simple as ensuring a constant stream of running water. Adequate water flow is vital for preventing buildup and keeping drains clean, reducing the chances of clogs or backups.

When debris inevitably finds its way into the drain, the best solution is still water. Once a month, fill every sink with water and then let it rush out by pulling the stopper. At the same time, flush all the toilets to ensure everything effortlessly flows through the plumbing system.

Remember, keeping the water flowing is the key to a trouble-free sewer line!

Tip 4. Address Sewer Issues Quickly

Are you currently noticing any of the following issues with your sewer system?

  • You hear odd sounds coming from your drain/sewer
  • You smell bad odors around your sewage
  • You find rodents around your drainage system

If you’re faced with a sewer issue, don’t wait around. Address it ASAP! Bringing in the pros from a sewer company to give it a check will cost you around $100 to $500. They’ll slide a camera down the line to scope out the problem. Unblocking the drain can go two ways: snaking or hydro jetting.

  • Snaking: Snaking, or rodding, usually costs $100 to $250. The pro will send a skinny line down the drain to yank out any grime causing the backup. It gets the water flowing, but watch out for residue and little debris that can invite new clogs.
  • Hydro Jetting: Hydro jetting is the way to go for those stubborn blockages. For a slightly steeper price of $350 to $600, they’ll unleash a high-pressure hose to burst out major clogs and even expel pesky tree roots. Trust us. It’s worth every penny to get rid of the debris once and for all!

Tip 5. Clear Out Tree Roots

Did you know that your average sewer line runs about 50 feet? And let me tell you, those tree roots just love to sneak their way into those joints to get a taste of that sweet water. It’s like an all-you-can-drink buffet for them! But here’s the thing, while it’s great for the tree, it could be better for your precious house and its wastewater.

Imagine this, these sneaky roots grow and thicken, and they just love to grab onto things – like those so-called “flushable” personal wipes that are anything but flushable. Nope, they don’t break down. They just keep on clinging. And guess what happens next? They start to group up, forming a stubborn blockage that’s bound to create some serious headaches.

But fear not! There’s a simple solution to all this mess. Just hire a pro to work their magic with a sewer main snake and root-cutting equipment. Make it a yearly tradition to keep those major blockages at bay. Trust me. Your house will thank you!

Tip 6. Check if Your Sewer Main Needs Descaling

Descaling means cleaning greasy and scaly buildup in your sewer line with high-pressure water jets. Scale buildup in sewer lines can clog the system’s flow, leading to significant plumbing issues. If you’re experiencing slow-draining water in your home, it may be time to descale your sewer line.

Tip 7. Know When It’s Time to Get Sewer Maintenance 

You don’t have to deal with sewer maintenance on your own. If you’ve tried one or two steps towards maintaining your sewer line, and signs persist, it’s time to get help from a professional. We also highly recommend getting an annual sewer inspection to ensure everything is running smoothly. You can always call us at Garrett Excavating; we’ll gladly help.

Contact Garrett Excavating for Sewer Maintenance in Cincinnati, OH, Today!

Maintaining your sewer line can be a manageable task. Implementing our top seven sewer maintenance tips reduce your chances of dealing with clogs and backups in your home. If you require a professional hand in fixing any sewer-related issues, contact us at Garrett Excavating. We have more than 50 years of experience and are dedicated to providing high-quality services to the Cincinnati, OH community.

Quality. Transparency. Efficiency